The QSL cards arrived! I think they came out pretty awesome.

Imabug's journey into electronics and amateur radio as AB4UG and VA6BUG
The QSL cards arrived! I think they came out pretty awesome.
Thanks to Matthew/W2MDW, I now have an Etherkit OpenBeacon to play with.
It’s a kit that I’ve been thinking of getting to play with in the near future. The one Matthew sent me was one of the early beta models and has had some modifications done to it, but it works. He didn’t have much time to mess with it anymore and thought I could put it to good use.
I’ll need to get an antenna for it and figure out how to program it, but it shouldn’t be hard to get on the air.
It looks like a pretty easy kit to build, so I’ll probably pick up one of my own to assemble and get up and running. Looking forward to getting this one going and seeing who picks up the signal.
I wonder how hard it would be to modify to broadcast on 6m.
Rearranged the elements and made it a one-sided card with address information going on the other side.
Version 0.3 adds some captions to the two radiographs. I think I like this better.
A first stab at my QSL card. I mocked it up in GIMP. Stamp icon clip art is from the Discovery Education’s Clip Art Gallery at ARRL diamond logo is from ARRL. The small x-ray is a radiograph of Wilhelm Roentgen’s wife’s hand, made shortly after his discovery of x-rays in 1895. The big x-ray is a radiograph of my Yaesu VX8-DR.
Slowly gathering the parts to put the ham shack together. The space is going to be an office/ham shack where I’ll have my computer/workspace in one corner, the radio, power supply and maybe a laptop for logging in another corner, and a bookshelf or two. Still need to move my computer and desk into the room.
Need to find an antenna now and think of a good way and place to put it up. Then I’ll need to get the feedline into the house.
I think to start, I’ll just go with a simple multi-band wire dipole, like a G5RV or something. I’d like to start building my own antennas, but the workshop doesn’t quite have all the necessary supplies yet. Slowly getting there but it’ll take a bit of time.
Looking forward to getting things set up and getting back on the air.
Update: Got a lot of good antenna ideas from @W2MDW, @KQ2RP and @WB0LCW. All dipole variants and look pretty easy to build. Now I just need to work out how to put it up.