I was able to find some EZNEC model files for a G5RV antenna including the feed line and tried to modify it to match my current antenna setup. 40m and 80m are pretty much the same, but the radiation patterns for 20m and 10m become a little more complex compared to my initial model.
Using a tape measure and some very rough estimating, I came up with this plot of how the antenna is set up, without the ladder line in the middle (haven’t figured out how to add the feed line yet).
EZNRC antenna diagram
EZNRC antenna diagram XY
The far field plots EZNEC gives me look like this
EZNEC far field plot 80m
EZNEC far field plot 40m
EZNEC far field plot 20m
EZNEC far field plot 10m
The antenna model is pretty simple and nowhere near perfect. I’m probably missing a lot by not having the feed line included. Based on these rough simulations though, it looks like I’m warming a lot of clouds (ham speak for when your antenna is sending radiation mostly straight up).
It probably won’t be until after Christmas before I can get everything up and running though. Still need to finish getting the office and the computer back into shape, then make room to set up the radio (which mostly involves finding enough flat surface space for everything). Then I’ll invite some friends over for an “antenna raising” and see about getting the shack operational.