My ARRL Worked All States Phone certificate arrived in the mail!
Now to find a frame for it and put it up in the shack.
Imabug's journey into electronics and amateur radio as AB4UG and VA6BUG
With W1AW/7 (Nevada) finally showing up in Logbook of the World, I’ve now unlocked the Worked All States(Phone) achievement!
WAS wasn’t something I was actively chasing until the ARRL Centennial QSO Party started up. While chasing the W1AW/n portable stations, I took a closer look at my WAS status and saw that I was getting pretty close, so I decided to start chasing states and working towards the WAS certificate.
These are the calls that helped me get to WAS/Phone (some of you people from Twitter are in here!).
State | Call | State | Call |
Alabama | K5WP | Alaska | KL7KY |
Arizona | K9WZB | Arkansas | K5PO |
California | W6TK | Colorado | K0EU |
Connecticut | W1BXY | Delaware | W3MLK |
Florida | AJ4RW | Georgia | W4TBJ |
Hawaii | NH7A | Idaho | W1AW/7 |
Illinois | K9CT | Indiana | W9PA |
Iowa | W0EA | Kansas | KS0MO |
Kentucky | NW4J | Louisiana | KG5VK |
Maine | K1IMI | Maryland | W3LL |
Massachusetts | WD1S | Michigan | KD8PZO |
Minnesota | KD0QEA | Mississippi | W1AW/5 |
Missouri | WB0LCW | Montana | N9RV |
Nebraska | W1AW/0 | Nevada | W1AW/7 |
New Hampshire | N1KWF | New Jersey | K2DBK |
New Mexico | WA5ZUP | New York | N2GA |
North Carolina | K4OV | North Dakota | KD4POJ |
Ohio | WU8R | Oklahoma | K5CM |
Oregon | NT7S | Pennsylvania | AA3B |
Rhode Island | W1XX | South Carolina | W4LVH |
South Dakota | K0VVX | Tennessee | K4EDI |
Texas | WR5O | Utah | K7CDX |
Vermont | KT1J | Virginia | W4ML |
Washington | K7RL | West Virginia | W8MLS |
Wisconsin | AA9A | Wyoming | KA7PNH |
Now to start working on WAS/Digital. Only 9 states left for that one.
After a bit of poking around in ARRL’s Logbook of the World (LotW), I discovered that I’m a lot closer to getting Worked All States (Basic) than I thought. I only need to make contacts in three more states: Mississippi, Rhode Island and West Virginia. Then I’ll have made contacts with at least one person in every state.
More wallpaper for the shack!
Update 2014-02-10: KB8BIP (WV) confirmed in LotW! Two more to go!