AB4UG is Eugene Mah, a diagnostic medical physicist in Charleston, SC. Here I like to dabble in a great many things.
In June 2012, I took and passed the Element 2 (Technician) and Element 3 (General) amateur radio tests at the Atlanta Hamfest and received my General class amateur radio license as KK4JRP. Got on the air a few times and got myself a handheld radio (Yaesu VX8-DR) to play with. Joined a radio club to meet other amateur radio people.
In October 2012, after some procrastination, I finally got around to taking the Element 4 test (Amateur Extra) and received my Amateur Extra class license as KK4JRP. After that I changed my call sign to what it is now, AB4UG. It’s a play on imabug, which has been my online nickname since about 1988 or so.
In September 2014, I successfully took and passed both the Basic and Advanced tests to get my Canadian Amateur Radio Certificate. Now when I’m back in Canada, I can operate as VA6BUG.
Because of amateur radio, I’ve started dabbling in electronics. It’s always been an interest of mine, but it was one of those things I never pursued. I’ve learned to solder things, assembled various kits and pieces, and worked on refurbishing a few items. Slowly adding things to the workshop to further my adventures.
My interests in amateur radio are mostly in antenna design, radio circuitry and radio wave propagation (it’s the physicist in me). I’m by no means an expert in these areas, but I’m learning a lot and finding lots of new things to learn.
What you’ll find here is me documenting my adventures in electronics, amateur radio and other related things.