CW key collection: The Key key

One of the more unique straight keys in my collection is one I acquired from an ARRL Auction a few years ago.

It’s a metal (brass I think) decorative (I presume) old fashioned key mounted on a simple plywood base. The two spring terminals on the left side of the above image provide the connection to the radio or a code practice oscillator.

A vintage looking brass key mounted on a plywood base.  The key is mounted to act as a straight key for tapping out Morse code.
Straight key made from a decorative brass key

There are no identifying marks on the key or base, and I don’t remember who it was that donated it to ARRL for their auction. It’s a pretty decent bit of work by whoever created it though.

Although it’s fully functional as a straight key, I feel like it was created as more of a decorative conversation starter piece. You’re touching a piece of bare metal to operate the key, which is essentially opening and closing a switch with what’s supposed to be a small voltage across it. When connected and used normally the shock risk should be pretty insignificant, but it’s not something you can rule out if it’s not connected properly.

Whether anyone actually used this on a regular basis, I can’t say. There doesn’t appear to be much tarnishing at the handle that you might expect to see when brass is handled often. Still a fun looking piece and an easy-ish key to use with a pretty decent feeling action.

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