Hamcation wrap-up

Had a really fun time at Orlando Hamcation over the weekend. Had a random encounter with Alan/KK4CIS and got to chat a bit face-to-face. Also met up with Jim/N4BFR and Newt/N4EWT (who I met at the Atlanta Hamfest last year) and spent some time wandering around with them.

I’m pretty pleased with my acquisitions from the Hamfest although as one would expect, after we left I remembered a few other things that I needed/wanted to pick up.

Hamcation is the biggest hamfest I’ve been to so far. I was too busy looking at every thing to think about taking very many pictures. The variety of equipment, gear and junk is pretty amazing. There was lots of good stuff, most of which was out of my budget (this time). I don’t think I know enough yet to be able to spot the hidden treasures, but there were a few things that I would have liked to bring back with me. I especially liked looking at the old vintage radios.

Looking forward to going back to Hamcation again next year.

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