CQ WPX 2024 Log Check

CQ WPX log check results arrived in my email a little while ago. No busted calls!

************************** Summary ***************************

       6 Raw    QSO before checking (does not include duplicates or missing exchanges)
       6 Final  QSO after  checking reductions

      16 Raw    QSO points
      16 Final  QSO points

       6 Raw    mults
       6 Final  mults

      96 Raw    score
      96 Final  score

    0.0% error rate based on raw and final qso counts
    0.0% score reduction
      0  (0.0%) not in log
      0  (0.0%) incorrect calls
      0  (0.0%) incorrect exchanges
      0  (0.0%) missing exchanges
      0  (0.0%) duplicates removed
      0  (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

            Band   QSO   QPts  Mult

   Raw      160M     0      0     0
   Final    160M     0      0     0

   Raw       80M     0      0     0
   Final     80M     0      0     0

   Raw       40M     0      0     0
   Final     40M     0      0     0

   Raw       20M     0      0     0
   Final     20M     0      0     0

   Raw       15M     0      0     0
   Final     15M     0      0     0

   Raw       10M     6     16     6
   Final     10M     6     16     6

  Raw        All     6     16     6        96
  Final      All     6     16     6        96

************************ Multipliers *************************

  IO5   KP2   NP4   P49   PJ2   S55 

CQ WPX (SSB) 2024

I started to play a little bit in the CQ WPX (SSB) contest this past weekend (March 30-31 2024) using the 10m antenna in the attic over the garage. There was a decent amount of activity on the band, mostly from the Caribbean and South America, with a smattering of European stations.

I had logged 6 contacts when I learned that I was making the light on the garage door opener turn on and off.

I’ll have to find some ferrites to put on the wires going into the garage door opener to see if that helps.

 Band     QSOs     Pts  WPX  Pt/Q
    28       6      16    6   2.7
 Total       6      16    6   2.7
Score: 96
1 Mult = 1.0 Q's

CQ WPX 2014 log check

Got the log check results from CQ WPX 2014 in my email today. Out of my 77 QSOs, 4 of them got busted (1 incorrect call, 3 incorrect exchanges) leaving me with 73 QSOs and a score of 13510. On the other side, 3 stations copied my exchange incorrectly. Not as good compared to last year’s CQ WPX. I’ll just have to keep at it to get better, right?

************************** Summary ***************************

      77 Claimed QSO before checking (does not include duplicates)
      73 Final   QSO after  checking reductions

     202 Claimed QSO points
     193 Final   QSO points

      73 Claimed mults
      70 Final   mults

   14746 Claimed score
   13510 Final   score
   -8.4% Score reduction

    5.2% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts
       0 (0.0%) duplicates (without penalty)
       1 (1.3%) calls copied incorrectly
       3 (3.9%) exchanges copied incorrectly
       0 (0.0%) not in log
       0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed)

********************** Results By Band ***********************

            Band   QSO   QPts  Mult

   Claimed  160M     0      0      
   Final    160M     0      0      

   Claimed   80M     0      0      
   Final     80M     0      0      

   Claimed   40M     4      4      
   Final     40M     4      4      

   Claimed   20M     2      6      
   Final     20M     2      6      

   Claimed   15M     5     11      
   Final     15M     3      7      

   Claimed   10M    66    181      
   Final     10M    64    176      

  Claimed    All    77    202    73  Score    14746
  Final      All    73    193    70  Score    13510

*********************** Incorrect call ***********************

28625 PH 2014-03-30 1826 AB4UG           18 NY6Y          1623 correct     NY6N        

*************** Incorrect Exchange Information ***************

21447 PH 2014-03-29 1748 AB4UG            1 NE5D          0034 correct  934
28581 PH 2014-03-30 1920 AB4UG           48 9A73P         5718 correct 5708
21235 PH 2014-03-30 2118 AB4UG           70 US5D          3354 correct 2354

********************** Lost Multipliers **********************

21447 PH 2014-03-29 1748 AB4UG            1 NE5D          0034 correct 934        
28625 PH 2014-03-30 1826 AB4UG           18 NY6Y          1623 correct NY6N       
28581 PH 2014-03-30 1920 AB4UG           48 9A73P         5718 correct 5708       

************************ Multipliers *************************

     5E5     8P5     9A5     AD5     CT1
      D4     DA2     DQ8      E7     E77
     EA3     EC1     ED1     ED5     EI7
     EI9      F5      G5     HA1     HA6
     HG1     HG7     HK1      I0     IB9
     II2     II4     II9     IK2     IT9
     IY1     IZ5     J42     KB3     KP4
     LO5     LT7     LZ9      N9     NP2
     OA4     OL4     OT5     PJ2     PW5
     S50     S51     S52     S54     S55
     S57     SN2     SN8     US5     VA5
     VC6     VK4     VP2     WB2     WG3
     WP2     WP4     WX3     XE1     XE2
     YP0     YS1     YT0     YT5     YV4

********* Stations Copying Your Exchange Incorrectly**********

28647 PH 2014-03-29 1810 EC1DBO        1452 AB4UG         0009  should be 5 
28000 PH 2014-03-30 1844 US5D          2168 AB4UG          123  should be 23 
28340 PH 2014-03-30 2019 YS1YS          987 AB4UG         0051  should be 61

CQ WPX 2014

Spent a few hours playing in the CQ WPX 2014 contest. Had a few other things going on this weekend so I didn’t spend a whole lot of time playing radio. Most of my radio playing was on the last day of the contest. I think I put in a total of about 4 or 5 hours in the chair and got 77 contacts, pretty much all on 10m. Went down to some of the lower bands just to see what I could hear. Found a few other contesters, but it wasn’t quite as busy as I expected. Compared to last year, my QSO rate was higher, but fewer contacts.

One big highlight was working a VK4 station (VK4KW) on 10m SSB which I was kind of surprised to hear, and even more surprised when I actually got him.

This is how I finished up the contest.

 Band    QSOs    Pts  WPX
     7       4      4    4
    14       2      6    1
    21       5      11    4
    28      66     181   64
 Total      77     202   73
Score: 14,746

Nothing spectacular, but I think it’s decent enough.

CQ WPX results

Got an email informing me of the log check report for my submission and final results for the CQ WPX contest I participated in back in March.

I had 82 QSOs, lost one because I either heard or entered the call sign incorrectly, so a net of 81 QSOs counted for the contest. It’s too bad. The lost call was a multiplier for me too.

Two stations copied/entered my exchange incorrectly and one station copied/entered my call sign incorrectly, so I guess I wouldn’t have counted for their scores,

Final score ended up being 17520. Good enough to rank #54 in 4-land, #262 in North America, and #967 in the world. With the Rookie overlay, I ranked #6 in 4-land, #22 in North America, and #69 in the world. Not bad for only participating in it 12 out of 48 hours.

Fun contest to operate in. Looking forward to trying it out again next year.