Thanksgiving (US) is coming up in a few weeks and we all know what that means (besides stuffing ourselves with turkey).
It’s the weekend for the 3rd annual Worked All Twitter!
Take a break from the food during the week(end) of Thanksgiving (Nov 27-Dec 1) to get on the radio and work all your ham friends on Twitter. Get those last few QSOs you need for WAS. Take a break from the lightning exchanges during the fall ham radio contest season for some nice leisurely rag chewing over the air. Share those Thanksgiving dinner stories/disasters/successes instead of the regular OM stories we always hear on the air.
As usual, all bands and all modes. For maximum participation, make use of the parts of the HF bands that are available to the most people.
Spot yourself on Twitter using the #WATwitter and #hamradio hashtags.
Have fun, get on the air and make those contacts!