CC1 works!
Soldered the L12 and L13 inductors (heat strippable enameled wire rocks BTW), made up a cable to connect the straight key (CC1 is really designed for a paddle, but I made the straight key work) and plugged in some headphones.

Applied power and CC1 greeted me by beeping ‘CC1’ in Morse code. Tapped the key and got a stream of dits. Grounded the other wire and got a stream of dahs. Pressed the S1 button and got an ‘S’ and pressing S2 gave me the frequency (I could only copy an R and 8 in the string of numbers).
Started work on the next section, the Mixer/IF/Product detector/BFO. With the connectors and larger caps, some of the pads on that section of the board are starting to get a little hard to access with the chisel tip on my soldering iron. If I’m going to do more stuff like this, I’m going to have to find myself a narrower chisel tip to work with.

About one quarter through this section of the build now and starting to get into the band specific components. I’ll be building my CC1 for the 40m band. Quite pleased with how things are going so far and I’m learning quite a bit.
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