CC1 has a lot of toroids on it. Dave/AA7EE wound some pretty nice looking toroids for his CC1 so I asked him for some tips and tricks for winding toroids. He uses a crochet hook to pull the wire through, but also pointed me at this YouTube video showing the "chopstick method".
It's a pretty good way of winding toroids. The chopstick holds the toroid and lets you apply a bit of tension to the wire to get nice tight windings.
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So you're using the chopstick method? I'm keen to know how well it works for you as I may consider changing to that way too if I can get myself a nice small vice.
Your toroids look great!
Eugene Mah replied to comment from aa7ee
Chopsticks are plentiful at the house so I just stuck one in my Panavise. It works out pretty well. I don't have to worry about holding onto the toroid so I can just focus on counting the windings. The toroid stays put up to the last few windings when the toroid stops fitting on the chopstick because of the windings (or it could be my chopsticks are just too thick for these small toroids).