The CQ WW log check report for my submission dropped into my mailbox last night and it looks like i've got a few busted QSOs. Ended up with 177 contacts and 60 828 points (down from the 185 QSOs and 70 716 points in my initial submission). Turns out there's also a point penalty for QSOs that aren't in the other person's log, or incorrectly copied call signs. 4 of my QSOs got dropped for not being in the other contact's log, which is kind of disappointing because I know at least two of them were clearly copied by both sides (at least I thought so anyway). Another 4 QSOs got dropped because I didn't copy the call sign correctly (either typo'd or heard incorrectly). Rats.
On the other side, 2 stations didn't copy my call sign correctly, and 3 got the exchange wrong.
I like these log check reports. Gives me some things to keep in mind for the next contest.
************************** Summary *************************** 185 Claimed QSO before checking (does not include duplicates) 177 Final QSO after checking reductions 498 Claimed QSO points 444 Final QSO points 94 Claimed countries 91 Final countries 48 Claimed zones 46 Final zones 142 Claimed mults 137 Final mults 70716 Claimed score 60828 Final score 14.0% Score reduction 4.3% Error Rate based on claimed and final qso counts 4 (2.2%) calls copied incorrectly 0 (0.0%) exchanges copied incorrectly 0 (0.0%) band change violations 4 (2.2%) not in log 0 (0.0%) duplicates (Removed without penalty) 0 (0.0%) calls unique to this log only (not removed) ************************* Not In Log ************************* 28338 PH 2013-10-26 1626 AB4UG 5 ED5N 14 21303 PH 2013-10-26 2215 AB4UG 5 D4C 35 14247 PH 2013-10-27 0020 AB4UG 5 XP1A 40 14223 PH 2013-10-27 2301 AB4UG 5 NR5M 4 ********************* Incorrectly copied ********************* 21245 PH 2013-10-26 2101 AB4UG 5 KP4BDC 8 correct KP4BD 21285 PH 2013-10-26 2129 AB4UG 5 HI3Q 8 correct HI3K 21336 PH 2013-10-27 2040 AB4UG 5 PX2T 11 correct PX2C 7171 PH 2013-10-27 2235 AB4UG 5 SN2T 15 correct SN2B ********* Stations Copying Your Exchange Incorrectly********** 28000 PH 2013-10-26 1436 TM7F 14 AB4UG 4 should be 5 7182 PH 2013-10-27 0218 ED5N 14 AB4UG 4 should be 5 14202 PH 2013-10-27 2256 CT3MD 33 AB4UG 4 should be 5 ************* Stations Copying AB4UG Incorrectly ************* 21367 PH 2013-10-26 2258 ZW5B 11 AB4U 5 7169 PH 2013-10-27 0212 RN3F 16 KB4UG 5