Continuing what I started last year, I'm going to make a list of goals for 2014. First, a review of last year's list.
- Get the shack up and running
- Build the SoftRock radio kits
- Get the OpenBeacon W2MDW gave me up and running
- Build my own OpenBeacon
- Earn skill levels in CW
- Build Moxon antennas for 6 and 10m
- Experiment with making antennas
- Try some digital modes
As I mentioned in the October progress report, antenna building has taken a back seat to building up the workbench.
I have an OpenBeacon built for 40m now that I need to finish calibrating. I've acquired enough gear for the workbench now that I think I can do that.
The SoftRock Ensemble RXTX kit is still sitting in the parts bin waiting for me to get around to building it.
I've made some progress on the Morse code part, but not a whole lot. I need to make a routine where I sit down for 30 - 45 minutes or so at a time and really devote some effort to it.
Diving into digital modes with gusto since getting the sound card interface up and running. Having a lot of fun playing digital radio and getting familiar with the various modes.
And now for the 2014 list
- Get the 2m radio working in the shack
- Build the SoftRock RXTX kit
Craft a base for my straight key- Earn skill levels in CW
- Antenna farm!
- Build antennas for 70cm and 2m
- Build directional antennas for 6m, and
10m - Build directional antennas for 70cm and 2m to use with my HT
- Build an antenna for 80m and maybe even 160m
- Rearrange the ZS6BKW so the legs of the dipole are straighter
- Get on the radio more
- Get Basic WAS
- Get DXCC
- 10-10 International membership
- Work some satellites with my HT
- Participate in more contests
- Build more electronics stuff!
- Try my hand at etching printed circuit boards
- Learn to do some antenna modelling
It's quite a bit longer than the 2013 list. Hopefully I'll be able to check most of them off.