October 2013 Archives

  1. Ham radio goal list progress
  2. CQWW 2013
  3. #WATwitter 2013
  4. A QRP dummy load
  5. Fluke 75 DMM repair
  6. CRX1 container
  7. Sound card interface troubleshooting
  8. Workbench acquisitions
  9. Messing with the sound card interface.
  10. KH6TY Sound card interface
  11. 2013 ARRL Auction
  12. Sound card interface project
  13. Heathkit IG-102 capacitor
  14. Heathkit IG-102 surgery
  15. Radio Shack deals for builders/makers
  16. Return loss bridge
  17. More workbench gear and parts
  18. CC1 repaired
  19. CRX1 X-ray